Ph: 217-632-7713
1021 Centre Dr
Petersburg, IL 62675
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Radiology (also known as an x-ray) is an imaging tool that our veterinarians use to examine your dog or cat’s internal organs as well as their cardiopulmonary, gastrointestinal, reproductive, and urinary systems. We use radiology to diagnose fractures or broken bones, locate foreign objects within the body, and screen for cancer and organ abnormalities.
At Petersburg Veterinary Clinic we are equipped with a digital x-ray machine, which provides many benefits when compared to traditional film x-rays. Digital x-rays have a higher image quality and can be viewed almost instantaneously when taken. We also do not have to use harsh chemicals to develop the images and are able to email the images if necessary.
Call us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment—we are more than happy to help you and your pet!
Serving the pets and large animals in the towns of Athens, Springfield, Petersburg, Pleasant Plains, Ashland, Tallula, Oakford, Greenview, Havana, Mason City, San Jose, Lincoln, Jacksonville, Curran, Chandlerville, Bath, Kilbourne, Virginia, Cantral, Salisbury, New Berlin, Berlin and surrounding neighborhoods.
Petersburg Veterinary Clinic • 1021 Centre Dr | Petersburg, IL 62675 • Small and Large Animal Veterinarian in Petersburg, IL
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