Ph: 217-632-7713
1021 Centre Dr
Petersburg, IL 62675
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Several kinds of ailments — lameness, fractures, colic, respiratory disease, or reproductive issues, or even cancer — could require veterinary surgery to prevent further injury to your horse. At Petersburg Veterinary Clinic, our veterinary surgeries utilize advanced medical technology that can give your animal the treatment it needs to help them in their recovery. Our surgeons are equipped with years of experience to provide the best in surgical care for horses including both soft tissue and orthopedic procedures.
Health and wellness is our priority at Petersburg, and we’re committed to providing a safe and painless service for your animals. To receive more information about surgery at Petersburg Veterinary Clinic, call us at 217-632-7713 or request an appointment online.
Serving the pets and large animals in the towns of Athens, Springfield, Petersburg, Pleasant Plains, Ashland, Tallula, Oakford, Greenview, Havana, Mason City, San Jose, Lincoln, Jacksonville, Curran, Chandlerville, Bath, Kilbourne, Virginia, Cantral, Salisbury, New Berlin, Berlin and surrounding neighborhoods.
Petersburg Veterinary Clinic • 1021 Centre Dr | Petersburg, IL 62675 • Small and Large Animal Veterinarian in Petersburg, IL
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